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The province of North-Brabant and the Dutch Embassy organized the first Brabant Innovation Day in Tokyo, Japan. The purpose of this day was to present the latest developments from the open innovation R&D centres in our region. Cees Admiraal, our Director Business Development, was present on behalf of High Tech Campus Eindhoven.

The Deputy of Economics and International Affairs of the Province of North Brabant, Mr. Bert Pauli, held the opening speech of the Brabant Innovation Day in the Okura hotel in Tokyo on Monday April 9th. 
After that there were keynotes on the experiences from Japanese companies that have been working with our open innovation ecosystem for a longer period.
Technologies such as thin-film electronics, perovskite solar cells, 3D printed food and integrated photonic circuits were covered during four concurrent workshops. 
Cees Admiraal of High Tech Campus Eindhoven did a keynote about the smartest square kilometer in Europe. The Campus works together with the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Tsukuba, Japan. 'AIST is an important partner in developing technology. We actively seek collaboration as High Tech Campus with institutes abroad, so our residents can benefit from this.'
Brabant innovation Day