Together with PSV and our Brainport Partners we have jointly launched an online platform around 7 vitality themes: goal setting, exercise, nutrition, sleep, energy & time management, social environment and relaxation. Eight major parties from the region have shared their knowledge and expertise and brought them together on an informative and inspiring platform. In this way they underline the importance of a vital region in which talent is developed and retained.
Today sees the start of an awareness campaign for the 55,000 employees of the companies within the partnership to promote the platform. During the eight-week campaign, videos, tips, background information and weekly ‘personal challenges’ from the themes will be highlighted, motivating the target group. The next step is to make the platform available to everyone who is interested.
It starts with a healthy lifestyle In order to remain economically competitive as a region, it is important, among other things, that employees feel good both at work and in their private lives. “Our goal is to create a region where people feel even fitter, more vital and therefore healthier. All the partners together have an enormous amount of knowledge and expertise. We now bring this all together on one platform," says Victor Donker, Project Manager of this Vitality Platform and Marketing Manager of the High Tech Campus. “As partners, we believe in the added value of sharing knowledge, as happens continuously in our region. On the platform, you can find a lot of valuable information about exercise, good nutrition, sleep, and much more.”
Philips knows a lot about sleep and sleep problems. Jumbo understands a healthy and tasty diet, and ASML can advise on time management, for example. In the motivational videos on the platform, you get practical advice from TU/e Professor Aarnout Brombacher and former player Boudewijn Zenden. At PSV, FC Barcelona, Chelsea, Liverpool and Oranje, among others, Boudewijn has learned to think in concrete goals to achieve performance. And PSV director Toon Gerbrands teaches us when to say 'no'. Recently, Royal Swinkels Family Brewers joined the Brainport partnership – they also underline the importance of a vital region in which talent is developed and retained.
Employees are called upon to be aware of sufficient rest and more exercise. PSV, together with club doctor Wart van Zoest, contributes specific knowledge here. “As a professional club, we are working on the fitness of our players on a daily basis. It is important that they pay close attention to nutrition and sleep. We want to share this knowledge with others, whether it is a factory employee at VDL or a manager of an innovative startup”.
Freely accessible The goal is to make people aware of their vitality and thus have a positive influence on society and the economy in the Brainport region. The platform is freely accessible to everyone in the region. Paul van Nunen, Director of Brainport Development, explains: “Especially in these times it is important than ever to take good care of yourself, especially in relation to your work/life balance when working from home. Make sure you deal with your health consciously. Our goal is a healthy and vital region where everyone who lives and works here has the opportunity to work on their vitality. What's special is that this platform this is facilitated by the companies together, and together we offer tools for all of society to use. A healthier life starts with awareness.”
About the Brainport Eindhoven & PSV Partnership Brainport Eindhoven & PSV is a strategic collaboration between leading companies from the region and PSV in the field of innovation, technology and vitality, with the aim of putting the region even firmer on the map for both residents and businesses. We use the joint strength of the partnership to promote and further strengthen the region, thus contributing to a healthier, more attractive, more innovative and more connected society. Now and in the future. The partnership consists of Philips, High Tech Campus, ASML, VDL, Jumbo, Royal Swinkels Family Brewers, PSV and Brainport Development.