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This article was written by EuFlex Technificent, a spin-off of Eindhoven University of Technology, TU/e, and published here with their permission.

The Tech Talent Gap

The Brainport region faces a significant challenge: by 2032, we anticipate a shortage of 50,000 skilled technical employees. Within five years of graduation, over 20% of technical graduates leave the sector, and after 15 years, this figure rises to more than 33%. Additionally, more than half of international students leave the Brainport region within five years after graduation. These statistics highlight the importance of effective talent retention to ensure the region's continued growth and sustainability. It is essential for the Brainport community to take proactive steps to retain as much technical talent as possible.

How can we keep more technical talent in the Brainport Region?

There are a few solutions already seeing success:

  • Better part-time and flexible work options: Providing part-time jobs (16 hours per week for students and 24-32 hours per week for graduates) helps balance work and life, making it more attractive to stay in the region.
  • Enhance community feeling for international workers: Initiatives like the Expat Spouses Initiative and the International Holland Expat Center South help international workers integrate and feel at home.
  • Promote continuous professional development: Offering ongoing training and upskilling opportunities ensures employees feel valued and see a future in the region.

Due to its immediate impact and feasibility, offering flexible work options and part-time positions has instant benefits, making it a highly feasible solution alongside the other initiatives.

How does TU/e contribute?

Besides employing more than 2,500 students themselves, TU/e contributes to the solution through two key initiatives: EuFlex Technificent and free Dutch language courses for all students.

EuFlex Technificent is a 100% TU/e-owned subsidiary that connects technical talent with the job market. It supports TU/e students by helping them find part-time jobs and entry-level positions that align with their technical fields of study. The objective is to have 85% of master's students working part-time in their fields, significantly increasing their likelihood of staying in the Brainport region after graduation. Many students continue to full-time positions with their part-time employers, proving the effectiveness of this approach.

One of many success stories involves a young professional who started as an IT specialist working two days a week during his studies. After 10 months, he was offered a full-time position and has been with the company for almost three years.

How can you or your company help?

High Tech Campus companies and employers are invited to create part-time positions within their own organizations, increasing flexibility and contributing to this initiative. EuFlex Technificent is ready to serve as your partner, having already seen successful collaborations with various companies. Retaining technical talent in the Brainport region requires a collective effort, and your involvement is greatly valued.

Next Steps

To explore how TU/e talent can integrate into your company, visit the EuFlex Technificent website to discuss potential collaboration. A strong pool of young professionals is ready to start as early as this summer, eager to bring fresh perspectives and skills to your team.

Are you ready to help shape the future of the tech workforce?


- Regionale Agenda Schaalsprong Talent Brainport Eindhoven

- Strategic Agenda Brainport Eindhoven

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