Bei Wang, CMO of Straight Fire was one of the keynotes during the Fe+male Tech Heroes conference in 2022. With her view on the Metaverse, she brought an inspiring talk.
Fe+male Tech Heroes is about bringing together, then connecting, women (and men) in the Dutch tech ecosystem. The 2022 conference was a day focused on unity of purpose, and that purpose-driven theme for the 2022 event was “Shaping Our Future.” One of the morning keynote speakers was Bei Wang, CMO of Straight Fire, who schooled the crowd on the Metaverse: where “humanity and technology co-exist, a way to blend the physical and digital worlds.” Wang offered some sage advice for parents: “Sure, limit your kids’ screen time and time in the metaverse. But they are already growing up in this space, so try to understand them and learn from them.”
Bei Wang introduced herself as a Cultural Broker & Metaverse Explorer. During her talk she explained some examples of metaverse. Because when we really want to understand the development of the metaverse, it's important to see where we already walked into the metaverse. Think of Snow Crash, Decentraland, Ready Player One or Unreal Engine. But did you also know about the name change from Facebook to Meta? Or did you ever play Pokemon Go or Fortnight? These are all examples of the metaverse. The popularization of those examples really give people the curiosity or maybe fear or maybe interest, according to Wang.
Wang predicted that the Metaverse is truly getting to the mainstream. This is because of the initial called exploring metaverse which is started by the World Economic Forum. Here comes a lot of attention, because when one established global organization started to really talk about it, we see more and more mainstream talking about it. Furtermore we will see that the metaverse goes beyond technonology and business, Wang says.
In a metaverse field it's all about creating experience, Wang explained. We think that metaverse will be a symbiotic oasis of technology and humanity. And to end, metaverse will be a way to blend physical and digital worlds.
Curious about the other keynotes and panels? You can watch them here.