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From now on, the High Tech Campus and EuFlex Technificent are joining forces! With the need to scale, it is crucial to mobilize all labor potential, and that's where we have found a common goal. In the next 10 years, there will be 53,000 job vacancies in the Brainport region (source: Brainport), with 75% of them due to the growth of companies in the region.

It's an immense task that requires us to work hand in hand.

The High Tech Campus is world renowned as a leading technological ecosystem where innovation, research and development take center stage. EuFlex Technificent, a subsidiary of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), specializes in matching TU/e students with companies.

By joining forces, we can provide a solution to several challenges facing the Brainport region. First, there is a significant untapped labor potential in the region, consisting of highly educated students who are not yet actively involved in their fields. By allowing them to work in the industry during their studies, students integrate into the High Tech Campus community, and the region benefits from a broader talent pool.

More importantly, this collaboration will help counter brain drain. International students often return home after completing their studies, even though they would prefer to stay in the Netherlands. By introducing them to the working field early, enabling them to gain experience, build networks and learn the language and culture, we can reduce the return to their home countries and retain talent here.

With this collaboration, the Brainport region takes a significant leap forward. Combining the strengths of the High Tech Campus and EuFlex Technificent creates a fertile ground for groundbreaking developments and cutting-edge technologies.