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Announcing the High Tech Campus Photo Challenge winners and runners-up

There we were, roaming Campus like always, taking photos of the fall colors, the fog, the bountiful nature. The sheep.

Then HTCE Communications and Event Manager Kelly Antonis said, “Why don’t we do a photo contest?” And it snowballed from there.

We posted the challenge on social media, quickly built a landing page and watched the submissions roll in … all 173 of them! You can browse all of the submissions to the challenge on our Flickr account. 

We divided the photo challenge into two areas: Beautiful Campus and Campus Champions. Campus residents from all points submitted their photos and, to our great delight, wrote amazing captions telling the stories of the photos. We loved reading the captions almost as much as we enjoyed seeing the photos!

With so many submissions, the jury decided to choose three winners and two runners-up for each category.

And now, without further ado, we announce the winners and runners-up of the inaugural High Tech Campus Photo Challenge!

Campus Champions Winners

Konstantin Mosunov red ladies

Red Ladies | Konstantin Mosunov of Signify

"Fusion of modern design and beautiful people of High Tech Campus."

Jury report:

This submission caught the jury’s eye as soon as we saw it. The composition and use of color are stunning. We love the familiarity of this scene. The Strip is instantly recognizable. Like the ladies in the picture, we have all strolled along the lake for lunch breaks, work meetings or quiet moments away from our desks. The color match between the ladies’ outfits and The Strip’s architecture nods to the true spirit of the High Tech Campus. The Campus and its residents come together to create a community – not just a place to work, but a place to belong. The Campus is only exceptional thanks to the brilliant minds working together here every day, and this picture captures that feeling wonderfully.


Robert Bresser pretty girl at glow

Glow | Robert Bresser of Kapturedtraveling

"This foto was taken at the Glow festival on the High Tech Campus in 2021. Together with a unique group of engineers of TMC. They created a massive “walkthrough” light show with a sequence that was programmed to the beat. I haven’t seen this anywhere else in the Glow shows before and it also resembles the innovative character of the High Tech Campus with all the tech companies that reside here. To have such a thing made by and presented on the HTC. This foto was of the leading team members that made this lightshow possible. For me, it’s the Campus in one foto. Tech, innovation, people, joy and creativity! #CampusChampions."

Jury report:

We can’t lie: this photo and Robert’s message speak for themselves. We love a photo that is beautiful on its own also has a beautiful story behind it. Robert captured a type of moment we don’t get to admire often: the moment someone gets to revel in the beauty of something they created. The pride in what this TMC engineer and her team created shines through this image. It’s the kind of pride countless people on Campus have felt before when they finally achieved a goal, seen their ideas come to life or reached new heights with their team. “Tech, innovation, people, joy and creativity,” Robert says, and that is exactly what is important to High Tech Campus and its people.


Arian Ettefaghpour santa walk

Santa Walk | Arian Ettefaghpour of Workplace Vitality Hub

"The Santa Walk and Run."

Jury report:

What looks like an ordinary picture of people walking along the lake is really a picture from a special day. As you can tell by the Santa hats, these are participants in the 2023 Santa Walk & Run. That day, hundreds of people came to join the holiday fun and run or walk the route, despite the miserable weather. Cold, wind and rain were no match for these Santas. Everyone danced, laughed, enjoyed their hot drinks, and not a single head was missing a Santa hat. This is something we love about the people on High Tech Campus. A lot of effort and care are put into events on Campus, but it’s the participants who make them excellent. You all bring the curiosity, energy and great sportsmanship that makes every event memorable. Case in point: even in wind and pouring rain, hundreds of Campus Champions were happy to put on a silly hat and go on a walk together!

Campus Champions Runners-up

Srinivas Prakash ice skater

Ice Skater | Srinivas Prakash of Axelera AI

"Picture was taken just after two weeks of me joining Axelera and I was soooo surprised to see that HTC can be a place to experience seasonal leisure activities as well. Indeed, the smartest square km! Location: HTC Eindhoven. Date & time: 15 December 2022, 12:58 pm."

Jury report:

We love this shot for the way the ice skater is perfectly framed in the winter landscape. It's also a tribute to all the sports enthusiasts on Campus. The athletes on Campus always find a way to practice their favorite sport, whether it's by attending our sport events like the Campus Run, joining the Campus Wellness Center or taking advantage of the frozen lake and breaking out their ice skates! We also see this photo as an homage to Dutch culture. Ice skating is deeply embedded in the country's history. The Dutch have been using skates since the 13th century, and it remains a beloved activity in the Netherlands to this day.


Alexis Franssen people and the strip

Walk & Talk | Alexis Franssen of Curgoal Digital Marketing

"On the beautiful High Tech Campus, people from nearby companies enjoy their daily routine. During breaks, they walk around to grab lunch, chat and stay active. 💪 They love breathing in the fresh air and hanging out in the lively outdoor spaces. It’s a place where everyone shares stories, enjoys their meals, and feels the energetic vibe. This campus perfectly mixes work with fun, making every day a little more special."

Jury report:

This is a gorgeous depiction of the Campus’ immersion with the outdoors. The layers of High Tech Campus come together in one image, from the office buildings where the hard work gets done, to The Strip where the Campus community comes together, to the surrounding nature where we can destress and be active. The people strolling down the boardwalk blend perfectly with the scene. Did you spot the special ivy-shaped solar panels in the background? They’re an innovative thin-film solar project from TNO, and we think they look extra cool in contrast to the purely natural foreground.

Beautiful Campus Winners

Heidi Verstraten foggy lake and people

Foggy Lake | Heidi Verstraten of Videology

"Start of the working day with a mystical sunrise."

Jury Report: 

This photo captured our attention with its beautiful composition and contrast. It captures the lake, a central point of beauty on Campus, and draws the eye from the sun to the sun’s reflection against the Strip, to the silhouettes standing out against the fog on the lake, then to the peaceful rippling water. It’s a lovely photo expressing calm and tranquility. It celebrates a beloved spot on Campus, the lake, where thousands of residents flock every workday to have lunch, meet colleagues or take a mindful moment away from their desks.


Martina Ciancarella heron

Evening Magic | Martina Ciancarella of Philips

"Evening magic: a heron’s graceful dance above the office lake."

Jury report:

We love this action shot on The Strip. The glow of the sunset reflected on the lake is beautiful enough, but the heron’s flight elevates the image wonderfully. It’s a perfect moment expressing the embeddedness of the Campus in its natural surroundings. Capturing a heron mid-flight is no easy feat, either! Yet, Martina managed to make this picture both a rare sight and a beautiful one.



Swan's Nest | Anita Pichaud of PhotonDelta

"This photo was taken during the Corona time on April 19, 2020, at 19:42. I had been working from home during the day but I missed the High Tech Campus environment, and I went to the campus for an outside workout in the evening. The campus is a great place for nature lovers."

Jury report: 

This photo highlights the hidden beauty of the High Tech Campus. Despite being a place for fast-paced business and high-tech development, you can always find a moment of tranquility in the natural environment of High Tech Campus. Plus, we love that Anita took this during the COVID-19 pandemic, simply because she missed High Tech Campus’ nature. Even in times of strife, wildlife can bring us moments of happiness and peace.

Beautiful Campus Runners-up:

Shreyas Ravindra bike and sheep

Bike Repair and Sheep | Shreyas Ravindra of NXP Semiconductors

"Sustainable Campus. Cycle Shop and the Sheep!"

Jury report:

This photo’s composition and warm autumn colors set it apart. We love the blend of low-tech, the antique bike and the sheep (also known as the Campus lawn mowers), with the recognizable High Tech Campus architecture. As the caption suggests, it also represents the importance of sustainability on Campus. A zero-emission bike ride is the preferred way to reach Campus for many residents, and the sheep are a fluffy, sustainable alternative to polluting motorized lawn mowers. And just look at how those leaves glow in the sun!


Tobias Borra double rainbow

Double Rainbow | Tobias Borra of Signify

"A nice double rainbow in the morning :)"

Jury report:

Is TMC the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? Tobias caught this shot of a brilliant double rainbow as it shone down on TMC at High Tech Campus. HTCE is beautiful in its own right, but sometimes we receive the gift of being in the right place at the right time to capture the artistic license of Mother Nature.

You've made it to the end our Photo Challenge winner roundup! Your reward is a photo of our six big winners with a framed print of their winning pictures. Thank you to all who participated and we'll see you and your works of art in the submissions to the next High Tech Campus Photo Challenge.

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