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We admire our High Tech Campus residents. During the corona measures, they turn isolation into possibilities. Gareth Thomas, founder of startup VersionBay, sees many positive things arising from the current corona crisis. He shares his top 12 positive vibes with us: 

Sales Strategies / New Business

1. Expand your territory
Video calls are the new reality, and this enables us to reach customers further than ever before. Some territories are bound to geographic areas. We could break down those barriers now that everyone accepts videos calls, instead of thinking 'Oh, then I would need to book a flight and would not be worth the travel for just 1 meeting.'

2. Invest in your home workplace
Get a new camera or audio. I am sure most companies will gladly pay for this. It will be a great way of motivating teams by giving small perks like monitors, camera's and audio.

3. More time
With no commuting, all of a sudden everyone has gained a lot of time. Make the most of it.

4. First in line
Many companies are going to take a hit, but what is fundamental is to be remembered as the partners who were there in the tough times… it will accelerate business in the future. Make sure that when things do improve, that we come out as the first in line.

Positive Personal aspects:

5. Time with loved ones
Take the time to have meals with your loved ones instead of work colleagues. Good to make the most of it. Lunch can be a little longer now.

6. Eat healthier
It's fundamental to stay healthy. If we are all eating from home, we are now cooking more – make sure you eat properly. Take the time to hone in on your cooking skills. Many sales people have wonderful ideas while cooking.

7. Find the time for indoor sport 
It's possible to work out at home, find the time to burn those calories. 

General positive outlook:

8. Invest for the long term
Stock markets are not doing well, but there is a lot of emotional stress, many companies will pick up after the COVID19. So why not invest now to make more money in the future.

9. Cleaner world
Pollution levels are going down around the world.

10. Better hygiene habits
It's great that the world is more conscious of how to keep things clean. We can change habits. 

11. No excuse to postpone home tasks
This is a great opportunity to do all those things at home that you have been putting off – gives a sense of accomplishment. 

12. Learn/master a craft
It's a wonderful time to learn a new skill or master an existing one.

Would you like to share useful insights with us too, just like Gareth? Send an email to marcom@hightechcampus.com.